Sunday, January 25, 2009

Useful Vegetable Gardening Books

Now that we can add peanut butter to the list of dangerous products distributed by "conventional" agriculture in this country, you might once again be considering "growing your own." I have found the following to be useful in my adventures in vegetable gardening:

--Mel Bartholomew, Square Foot Gardening (Rodale Press, 1981). There are newer versions of this book (for example, All New Square Foot Gardening), and I assume that these are at least as good as the original.
--Bradley and Ellis, ed., Rodale's All-New Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening (Rodale Press, 1992). This is out of print but used copies can be found.
--Bob Thomson, The New Victory Garden (WGBH Educational Foundation, 1987). This is out of print but used copies can be found.
--E.L.D. Seymour, ed., The Wise Garden Encyclopedia (Wise, 1951). This comes in several more recent editions, but -- to my knowledge -- all are out of print. Used copies can be found.

When it is time (and it is!) to get serious about ordering your seeds, you might want to consider purchasing non-hybrid seeds, so that you have the "seed saving" option available to you. My source of old-time, non-hybrid seeds is Heirloom Seeds, located in Pennsylvania. The Heirloom Seeds website is:

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